Sunday, February 14, 2010

Today is a day for celebrating meaningful relationships...with people who aren't real

So today is Valentine's Day and I pretty sure I'm suppose to sacrifice an animal to ensure fertility however, not quite sure I'm ready to be a father. So instead I decided to do my own, ever popular, top ten list of awesome fictional ladies. Since I haven't yet talked about video games I'm going to count down my top ten Final Fantasy Women.


Terra - FF6

I admit the first FF I played, like many of my contemporaries, was VII so I didn't end up playing VI until it was re-released for the PS1. The good part about this is that I was able to enjoy the opening CG which firmly established that Terra was pretty darn hot. She has this very ethereal almost elven like quality (since she's half esper) that is really appealing.


Aeris - FF7

I'm sure some people are flabbergasted that she's not higher on the list but I'll explain. I spent an ass load of time leveling Aeris up, she was almost always in my party and then she gets killed and it's like, well great there goes a bunch of work down the drain (That's not a spoiler at this point right? Everyone knows she dies right?). Don't get me wrong it was really sad when she was killed and she was great wile she was alive but I'm afraid dieing before the final boss subtracts points.


Quistis - FF8

Ah Quistis, smart, sexy, and just a bit stuck up. How do I describe what Quistis meant to me, and all the other teenage boys of the time? I believe the renown poet a Mr. David Lee Roth said it best it his quintessential work Hot For Teacher.


Rikku - FF10

You'll notice I put up a picture from FFX and not FFX-2. Two reasons; one, X is a much better game and two, I thought her design in X-S was a bit whorish. That's not the Rikku I remember. The Rikku I know is sweet, sincerer, and cute. She's got a great upbeat attitude and she's also hell a useful against mechanical foes.


Ashe - FF12

Ashe gets huge bonus points because she's the only girl on this list that is a fucking tank in battle. Seriously she like your most useful damage engine throughout the game. Plus, look at that outfit, sure it can't possible serve any real defensive purpose but if that skirt was any shorter it'd be a belt. How proud the people of Dalmasca must be to see their last remaining royalty run around the world in that outfit.


Garnet/Dagger - FF9

The one saving grace in a game whose other main female characters were a rat lady, a four year old, and a strange, glutinous creature. To be fair I've always been a sucker for rebellious princess characters and Dagger is that with the cuteness dialed up to 11. Her two outfits in the game; a strapless wedding gown and a skin tight one piece body suit.


Yuna - FF10

The classic Japanese heroine Yuna is polite and responsible with a fun side that only comes out as you get to know her. All the girls on this list are risking their lives to save the world but only Yuna is walking open eyed into certain death. Bravery bonus to sex appeal. Plus, like Garnet above, she's you only source of white magic through much of the game making her extremely valuable (and then she gets Bahamut and you're like kakow bitches mega flare!). Also, one green eye, one blue, for what ever reason that is hot.


Lulu - FF10

Hottest fictional goth girl ever. The hair, the dress, the purple lipstick, she just has ridiculous sex appeal. She also invaluable in combat with her black magic (not to mention the cleavage shot that you get when she wins a battle).


Tifa - FF7

Do an image search for Tifa. Congratulations you just saw thousands of naked, often pornographic images. Seriously it's like she's the biggest fake porn star ever, it's preposterous. I almost feel like the fan community would lynch me if she didn't make it near the top of list. Yeah so anyways, she's super hot and she kicks a lot of ass.

And now the moment of truth...


Rinoa - FF8

Really, for me, it's not even close. Rinoa is far and away my favorite FF girl and just might be my favorite fictional female of all time. First of all she is super cute. She has a great balance of being sexy without dressing to skimpy or trying to hard, she comes across as one of those girls that's just naturally beautiful. I also love her personality, she's outgoing, fun, courages, and determined. She just seems like a girl that would be great to hang out with, plus, I may have mentioned, super cute.


I feel like I should give a bit more background on this. I first played FF8 when i was like 15 or 16, I'd never had a girlfriend, and Rinoa was pretty much the idea of everything I'd ever wanted. The fact that she approached Squall, for a shy unsure, nerdy virgin, was a beaming ray of hope. So that's why she'll always have a special place in my heart.

Have a problem with this list? Comment below or leave a list of your own for all to enjoy and discuss.


1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to mention that Rinoa kicks ASS especially when in her Limit Break. :D
