Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Comicbook Pregame: week of 03/31/10

Join me won't you, as I peruse this week's shipping list and comment on things of interest.

Governator #1, $3.99

This is a great idea for a few strips in a webcomic, not sure it can fill a whole issue.

Littlest Zombie #1, $3.50

This sounds pretty good but seriously enough Zombie stuff for a while.

Sonic The Hedgehog #211, $2.50

211 issues?!? Really? Wow.

Rasl #7, $3.50

Love Jeff Smith's Bone but I still haven't checked this out. From what I hear it's great.

Blackest Night #8 (of 8), $3.99

In this issue Sinestro saves the day and Hal Jordan is revealed to be impotent. SPOILER.

Detective Comics #863, $3.99

MMmmmm...J.H. Williams cover.

Gotham City Sirens #10, $2.99

I like Guillem March's art, I don't care if it is cheesecakey.

Dragon Age #1, $3.99

Based on the hit video game is usually code for stay the fuck away but the Penny Arcade guys have been doing comics for Dragon Age and this issue features Orson Scott Card who, despite political views, is a hell of a writer.

Transformers #5, $3.99

For a Transformers series this has been a bit of all right.

Image Firsts: Walking Dead #1, $1.00

Cool, I've been meaning to read this. This 'Image Firsts' program is a good idea for a promotion, way to go Image.

Image Firsts: Youngblood #1, $1.00

This 'Image Firsts' program is a terrible idea for a promotion, way to go Image.

Amazing Spider-Man #627, $2.99

Roger Stern's first issue as a regular part of the writing team, fingers crossed.

Fantastic Four #577, $2.99

Still waiting for this to start being a story and not just an idea. Lets hope it starts here.

Iron Man Extremis HC, $24.99

Now that Tony no longer has the Extremis armor buy the book where he gets it. A bit slow but Warren Ellis and Adi Granov tell a solid Iron Man story.

New Mutants #11, $2.99

Eleven issues in and this has already tied into two big events, that's usually not a good sign. This issue is written by Kieron Gillen and drawn by Niko Henrichon so I have high hopes.

Punisher #15, $2.99
Punisher MAX #1 (Marvel's Greatest Comics), $1.00

Two Punisher books that are worlds apart but both are awesome. Well at least MAX is and Frankencastle has been so I expect this issue to be rad, that's right, rad.

Women Of Marvel Poster, $8.99

Alan Davis, 'nuff said.

X-Force #25, $2.99

The X-Necrosha finale ships on the same day as the Blackest Night finale...awkward.

X-Men Second Coming #1, $3.99

Not sure what to expect out of this event but the last massive X-Men crossover (Messiah Complex) was the best big crossover Marvel had done in years so let's hope this one can be its equal. Also let's hope Greg Land's not drawing any of it.

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac HC (New Printing), $44.95

I'm pretty sure this is one of the books that I'm suppose to read but 45 bucks.

Pluto Urasawa X Tezuka Volume 8 GN (of 8), $12.99

I've only read the first three volumes but damn were they good. Really looking forward to finishing the series.

Wizard Magazine #224, $5.99

Wizard is still being published, good for them.

Zombie Ninja Pirates Card Game, $17.95

It had to happen.

Tokidoki X Marvel T-shirt Line


That's all that caught my eye this week. Anything I missed comment below.


Not even going to mention the ridiculous Bluewater books anymore...except for right now when I did, but that was just to say that I'm not mentioning them...err, anymore...starting now.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Comicbook Postgame: week of 03/24/10

One week older, one week wiser. What will our newly found wisdom have to say about comics? Let's find out. Spoilers ahead.

Orc Stain #2

It took awhile to come out but it was totally worth the wait. First off the book is gorgeous. I highly recommend you expand the image above too see a little bit of what I mean. I really liked James Stokoe's black and white art in Wonton Soup but his use of colors totally elevates his work here to another level. The book is also funny, interesting, and completely unlike anything else on the market. Much like his fellow cartoonists Bryan Lee O'Mally (Scott Pilgrim) and Brandon Graham (King City) Stokoe adds so much depth through small, crazy details like this:

I have no idea why that can of unknown liquid is seemingly alive, or why a living creature filled with juice would have a pop-top, but it's awesome. It's very hard to world build effectively while being original which is why so much fantasy relies on your basic sword and sorcery ideas (Lord of the Rings and D&D). While Orc Stain clearly didn't invent Orcs what Stokoe is doing with them is unique and by adding little details like the living, quasi-inanimate objects gives the reader an excitement that only comes with discovering something that feels truly fresh and new. It's also really funny. Be forewarned you do get one panel of orc penis so there is that.

Nemesis #1

So Steve McNiven drew this comic...I guess,I mean that's what it says anyways, it doesn't really look like Steve McNiven but Mark Millar would never lie to us right? That being said the arts not bad by any means it just lacks the usual McNiveny goodness of McNiven. From time to time artist do play around with styles and that perfectly okay I just don't think this was his best work, I suspect he's drawing a bit faster to speed up the process of this selling to a Hollywood studio and McNiven making more money then he's ever made before. Honestly, I'm okay with that. It kind of sucks for us comic fans but if it means a big paycheck for a great artist and allows Steve McNiven to afford to stick around drawing comics then I'm cool. You might also notice that this is drawn basically like a storyboard, convent if you're chosen to direct the adaptation that I assume will be announced a week or two after Kick-Ass comes out. It's also quite possible that McNiven read the script and decided that this was all it deserved. Not that it's bad but it is severely lacking. Where Kick-Ass and much of Millar's other work is bolster by quite a bit of humor this seems to be taking itself entirely too seriously. Since this is only a four issue mini-series it probably would have been wise to make the characters a bit more engaging. While Millar peppers in a few odd details the cop never really connects and Nemesis is kind of bland. What kind of villain is Nemesis? Does he enjoy what he's doing, because he kind of seems board. I guess he's really smart but he doesn't speak like it. And maybe it's cause I read quite a few comics during the Bush years where The President was killed, captured, or humiliated (including Millar's own Ultimate X-Men) that that's really lost it's potency. Like the art the story's fine, I'm sure it will make a decent flick, but it was a disappointment.

The Guild #1

If you've never seen The Guild click here and/or here and enjoy. The comic is written by regular series writer and star Felicia Day (who has like 1.8 million followers on twitter, absolutely crushing a lot of main stream hotties, nerd chicks FTW) and has much the same feel as many of the episodes. The art is by Jim Rugg who also drew the much celebrated Afrodisiac. He's quite good and does a really nice job capturing facial expressions and body language. It's not necessary to have seen the show since this serves as a sort of prequel for season 1 but it really is a book for fans of the show. But really, the show is free, why wouldn't you watch it? I do feel that without the rest of the cast the first issue is a little sadder and not quite as funny as the show but still enjoyable and pretty.

Amazing Spider-Man #626

I have no complaints to get a comic drawn by Gaydos but I'm not sure he's the best fit for Spider-Man. That being said this was another great issue of ASM. I'm not sure if it's the writers or the editors but the Spider-Team is doing a great job at pacing out the ongoing plot threads, letting relationships develop slowly while changing things often enough to prevent malaise or boredom. The ongoing subplot of Peter's roommate Michele has been great starting as strangers that didn't get along, the unseen romantic twist which then lead to a funny and dramatic hostel living environment for Peter, and now they're almost friends. It took it's time but never got to repetitive. If you're not reading Spider-Man you are missing out.

Scalped #36

If you've been reading the blog you know I love Scalped and I routinely gush praise all over it and Jason Aaron's Marvel work. This is the issue were I finally say something negative. This issue is not as good as the last two... of course the last two were just about as good as any 2 comics you'll ever read so that's not much of a damnation, in fact this is still really good. I was a little worried at first that the twist in this issue was a cheap ploy to drum up shock but I should have had more faith because by the end Aaron had totally sold me on the concept. I usually don't worry about spoilers but i know a lot of people read Vertigo books in trade so I won't say what the twist was but I certainly wouldn't have guessed it after the first 35 issues. The art by Furno is solid and fits completely with the style of the series and this issue specifically. You should really be buying Scalped, it's a +4 to Wisdom and a +2 to charisma.

Power Girl #10

The best thing about the panels above, there are girls in the comicbook shop. It always irks me when even nerdy shows/movies/comics act as if a girl in a comic shop is some kind of impossible dream. I see girls in comic shops all the time, not that they out number the dudes by any means but still, not the second coming. So, much love to Amanda Conner for drawing a normal comic shop and not some uber nerd parody. It really is too bad that the creative team is leaving after #12 because this book continues to impress. As always Amanda Conner's art steals the show but I don't want to shortchange Gray and Palmiotti who are writing an almost perfect fun, old school superhero comic. If DC is smart (and that is a big if) they'll release the whole 12 issues in a nice trade. If they do, I highly recommend checking it out for good, superhero times.

What's Conner drawing next?

That's all for now. Another short week but that doesn't mean comments aren't appreciated and expected.


Seriously the whole "holy shit a girl in comic shop, wwwhhaaattt?!?" was the proverbial straw for Heroes.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Comicbook Pregame: week of 10/24/10

On the eve of new comic Wednesday I bring you a short look at comics of interest.

Supergod #3, $3.99

I'm a sucker for these Warren Ellis Avatar minis. Lots of cool ideas.

Guild #1 (of 3), $3.50

I do love The Guild but do I love it enough for a comicbook spin off? Yeah I probably do, especially since it's written by Felicia Day.

Northlanders #26, $2.99
Northlanders Volume 3 Blood In The Snow TP, $14.99

A new single issue Northlanders for those of us up to date on our viking goodness while the trade waiters get a heaping helping of Brian Wood and company. The trade collects all the one shots and short stories that have come in between the longer arcs. Quite frankly they're the best issues yet. Wood himself said that they're the best work he's ever done and I see no reason to disagree. That is one awesome trade, buy it.

Power Girl #10, $2.99

We found out this week that issue 12 will be this creative teams last. Saviour them.

Scalped #36, $2.99

Scalped comes out this week. You know of course that this means that next week I will spend a fair amount of time praising Jason Aaron. Be prepared.

Robert Jordans Wheel Of Time #1, $3.99

So this will be done with what, issue 1500?

King City #6, $2.99

New material starts next issue yeah? Can't wait. Oh, I almost forgot, I found one of Graham's old erotic comics, it was hilarious. Not sexy really but it was damn entertaining.

Orc Stain #2, $2.99

Stoke is another artist much in the same vain as Graham and similarly I enjoy his work immensely. It's been a while since issue 1 which was my fear what with Stoke writing, drawing, coloring, and if I'm not mistaken, lettering the book by himself. Still looking forward to it.

Amazing Spider-Man #626, $2.99

Fred Van Lente, Michael Gaydos, and the Scorpion. Spider-Man is a must read for any superhero fan.

Captain America #604, $3.99

Chris Evans has been cast as Cap but who else will fill out the cast? Oh the comic? Yeah you should buy it, it's been good.

Nemesis #1, $2.99

So I kind of don't want to buy this if only cause it could take for ever to finish but I'm sure that if nothing else it will look very pretty and give us all a lot to debate and analyze so I probably will.

New Avengers #63 (Siege Tie-In), $3.99

Sounds like a closer look at some of the battle that's been going on. Could be just what people want with the Siege mini only being 4 issues long.

Thor Tales Of Asgard By Stan Lee & Jack Kirby HC, $29.99

If you've never read this old Thor stories you should. Awesome stuff. Kirby art with some off Lee's best scripting.

Thor #608, $2.99

Keiron Gillen is doing a real nice job with his Thor run. It would have been easy for this stop gap between JMS and Fraction to be a piss poor holding pattern but I've really enjoyed it.

Uncanny X-Men #522, $3.99

Kitty's coming back! And if that wasn't exciting enough, no Greg Land!

X-Factor #203, $2.99

Let's hope they got those art problems figured out. PAD deserves better.

Tales Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #68, $3.25

They're still making Ninja Turtle books? Sort of intrigued.

Anime & Philosophy SC, $19.95

This sounds interesting. If anyone knows more about it then the Amazon description (like if it's worth reading) please let me know.

That's all I have to say on that. Anything you're excited about this week? Comment below.


Hey Astroboy comes out on DVD this week. I never saw the old anime or read the old manga but I've been reading Pluto (which is sensational) so now I want to see it. Is it any good?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Comicbook Postgame: week of 03/17/10

What the hell, might as well start with the big to-do. Spoilers, curse words, and reviews ahead.

Siege #3

First off, Oliver Coipel's art is so good that I'm thinking about getting a sex change so I can bear his children (reality be damned). A bit of an exaggeration but damn can he draw pretty. Bendis has been slowly building The Sentry into a villain but Coipel's art really helps sell it with some amazing panels of The Sentry looking all kinds of evil and badass.

That is a great line Bendis. In general it seems Bendis has really learned from his last two attempts at telling a big crossover, Siege has been action packed with plenty of big moments. That's not to say it hasn't had some problems. The whole set up was a tough pill to swallow and you could argue that Bendis is compressing the story a bit to much but the last two issues of been a lot of fun. It seems that often with these big events everyone is excited going in but that excitement quickly fades away whereas Siege has gotten progressively better with each issue and I find myself psyched for the finale.

For those of you not reading it a quick recap: Norman Osborn (The Green Goblin) has been in charge of national security for the last year (Marvel taking a bit of a shot at The Patriot Act, Guantanamo, and The Bush Administration in general), he's been progressively losing control of the situation, in issue 1 he lays Siege to Asgard, home of Thor and the Norse gods (it's now in Oklahoma long story), this is basically the final straw as Norman losses his government backing and the true heroes of earth, lead by the newly returned Captain America, unite to take him down. In this issue Thor and The Sentry mix it up and Cap, with an assist from Iron Man, takes Norman down. It's then revealed that Norman has completely lost it having painted(?) his face to look like the Green Goblin and that the real problem is The seemingly unstoppable Sentry who destroys Asgard and looks poised to do the same to The Avengers and company. It's been good old fashion superhero fun. I look for Phobos, son of the Sentry slain Ares, to join the fight in issue 4 and play a pivotal role in The Avengers victory. Phobos is the god of fear after all and Sentry knows much fear, plus he still has the Grasscutter sword that was made to kill gods. If you've been sleeping on Siege because you didn't like House of M or Secret Invasion pick it up, it's much better then either of those series even at half the size.

Speaking of dead gods...

Hercules: Fall of an Avenger #1

I talked a bunch about Herc last month and about how much I enjoyed the character and the book so no surprise that I liked this. This is a simple 2 part mini about the funeral of Herc which will then lead into the new Prince of Power staring Amadeus. It's really good. Like the entire Herc run it balances humor and drama masterfully. There are some really funny scenes like Amedeus poring a beer out for Herc, or like the women Herc has been with telling stories of his...exploits (the reaction shot of the guys is priceless), or Northstar running off so as to not to share his Herc stories. There's also some touching moments of people dealing with loss. The back up by Tobin and Brown was the best Agents of Atlas backup yet so you really get your moneys worth.

X-Men Legacy 234

I'm a sucker for these one shot character pieces and this one's pretty good. It's a nice break from Necrosha and continues to build Rouge, Gambit, Magneto, and several of the New X-Men who have been left without a book to call their own. And yeah, Rouge and Magneto make out and I find that pair kind of fascinating, they even tease the Rouge/Iceman connection which was another interesting almost in the annuls of X-Relationships. Basically Rouge gets telepathy for a day and causes a bit of havoc with her personal life as well as here new role as camp councilor to the young mutants. This is a book that's great for fans of the 90s soap opera X-Men done much better, with more depth and reality.

Choker #2

I can't help but think about Fell when I read this but that's not necessarily a bad thing as Fell was a fantastic comic. Similarities not withstanding this is an enjoyable as well. Templesmith's art is great as always though it's not for everyone and McCool's (is that really your name?) script is tightly plotted with solid dialog. It's a classic sci-fi, ex-cop, noir story set in a city that makes Gotham look nice. Not the most original thing but well done. If that's the kind of story you dig you could do a lot worse.

Joe the Barbarian #3

I talked about the first two issues before, brief recap: it's good. This issue continues that goodness. It's a pretty and simple story but it's so well executed. Murphay's art continues to shine and Morrison, whether doing big concept wackiness or straight forward adventure, is the best writer in comics. Boys and girls of all ages can enjoy this fun romp where sewer pirates driving submarines catch giant sea-monsters for breakfast.

Amazing Spider-Man #625

Joe Kelly is killing it. I mentioned before that I'd finally read I Kill Giants and I will be reviewing it in full soon and I promise I will. It seems as though IKG started a streak in Joe Kelly's career where he can do no wrong, everything he's written since has been fantastic. Kelly's proven in previous issues that he can definitely do the classic Spider-Man humor and with this issue and his last he tears out your heart with powerful drama. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Fiumara on art because, damn, this book looked good, really good. ASM is one of the top three superhero books on the market right now and it's issues like this that prove it.

S.W.O.R.D. #5

Note, this actually came out last week but I didn't read it until now. Wow, this got really good. I enjoyed the first issue all right but each issue just got better and better to the point where now I'm officially joining the small group of people who actually read the series in lamenting it's loss. Not that I really expected a series staring Abigail Brand, Beast, and Lockheed to last for long but I will miss it. If anything this, the Ares mini, and his short run on Thor has proven to me that Kieron Gillen is a name to look for, this cat can straight up write comics. I'll even say that while I initially found his odd looking Beast distracting Sanders steeped up his art in a big way and drew some fantastically fun panels:

So while I'll miss S.W.O.R.D. the real question is: what are these guys doing next? Cause we're all going to be wanting to buy that.

That's all for now, sorry for the delay. Please comment below, it will validate my existence.


Insert joke here.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Comicbook Pregame: week of 03/17/10

Another week, another look at the upcoming comics and comic related merchandise.

Time Lincoln (One Shot), $3.99

You cocksuckers. I guess great minds do think alike.

Robotika Volume 2 HC, $19.95

Due to all the various troubles with Archaia this took along time to come out, but it's good stuff. The art, as you might be able to tell with the cover above, is pretty sweet. Like the original this combines sci-fi, western, and samurai elements with a little humor and a lot of action. So if that sounds like something you'd like, check it out. Also if you were annoyed with the cyborg's speech bubbles in the first volume, they fixed them for this one.

American Vampire #1, $3.99

Art looks great but I'm tired of vampire shit.

Joe The Barbarian #3 (of 8), $2.99

Check the cover...

...that looks awesome.

Battlefields #4 (The Firefly And His Majesty Part One), $3.50

Ennis + war comics = good

Green Hornet Year One #1, $3.99

Don't really care about the comic and I stoped caring about the movie once Stephen Chow dropped out.

Choker #2, $3.99

Did you like Fell? (You should, Fell was fucking great.) This is a lot like Fell.

I Kill Giants Titan Edition Volume 1 HC, $39.99
I Kill Giants Titan Edition Volume 1 HC (Limited Signed/Numbered Edition), $50.00

I mentioned yesterday that I finally read this. I'm going to try and do a full review soon but in short, I really liked it.

Amazing Spider-Man #625, $2.99

Is this still only 36 times a year, cause it seems like much more, which is totally okay with me.

Captain America #1, $1.00

Brubaker and Epting's first issue of Cap for only a buck. The first issue is pretty good and the run, which is back on track after Reborn, will be remembered as a classic for years to come. It's very good.

Dark Avengers Ares TP, $24.99

This includes both the 3 issue tie in to Dark Reign and the 5 issue mini from a few years ago. Both are terrific. You don't need to know anything about Dark Reign or Marvel comics, as a matter of fact I picked up the first issue of the original mini without even realizing it was a Marvel book. If you like big action with heart (the original story is all about the relationships between fathers and sons as is the second series to some extent) you'll love this.

Doomwar #2, $3.99

The first issue impressed me so I guess I'll check this out. Doom vs. The Black Panther, Storm, and several X-Men.

Hercules Fall Of An Avenger #1 (of 2), $3.99

I did a week long salute to Herc, so yeah, I'll be reading this.

Siege #3, $3.99

This week's big issue. I'm actually excited for this and the cover art looks fantastic. Hopefully Bendis keeps up the pace and this doesn't fizzle out like the last two Bendis events.

Wolverine Origins #45, $2.99

This is still happening? Wow. Really? Really? Wow.

X-Men Legacy #234, $2.99

X-Men romance drama! Hell yes.

D&D Players Handbook 3, $34.95

They really want me to spend a lot of money, don't they?

That's all for this week. There's an area below that you can put comments, so maybe you should do that.


There's also a house in New Orleans they call the Rising Sun, but I don't suggest you go there.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Comics Postgame: week of 03/10/10

If you're wondering why I'm late in posting this here's the reason. Plus now that I have to get up all early for work (3 more weeks of seeing the sunrise) this maybe a bit shorter then usual.

And now my musings on the good, bad, and the ugly this week in comics, there will be spoilers...role for initiative.

Daytripper #4

Last month I said this book was amazing. I haven't changed my mind. If you don't like this book you should be forced to watch Uwe Boll films until your head explodes and you smother yourself with your own freshly removed stomach lining.

Solomon Kane: Death's Black Riders #3

Solomon Kane is the kind of Christian who believes that God helps those who help themselves. He also believes in killing the fuck out of any monsters or demons foolish enough to get within a 100 miles of Solomon Kane. Shortly after the exchange above Kane blows the head off a four legged demon with not one but two musket shots, before stabbing it and then using it's corpse as a defensive barrier. Later he has to beat a skeleton apart with a big candelabra. So yeah, pretty fucking cool. Kane plans to hold a besieged position and pick the horde apart as the attempt to breach his defenses but when it's revealed that the demons have the power to light fires with their very touch...

...Solomon Kane ushers forth to meet the pack in open combat.

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #8

So Ultimatum happened and I didn't read it because Loeb is a bad (and not in a 90s slang kind of way) writer and it had been at least a year since I'd cared in the slightest about any of the Ultimate books but that lead to the Ultimate Spider-Man relaunch which, 8 issues in, is the best this book has ever been. That's actually saying quite a lot since the original 130 plus issues were some of Bendis' best work and it was one of Marvel's most consistent titles but it's true. This is an extremely fun book. Bendis speak, while sometimes sounding odd coming from the Avengers, sounds perfect as young Peter Parker and company quip their way through big superhero action. The art this issue is by Takeshi Miyazawa who, much like regular artist David Lafuente, brings a young vibrant energy to every panel. This issue starts out with Spidey, Iceman, and The Human Torch making fun of Rick Jones for being the typical reluctant hero despite having awesome superpowers. It's a nice bit of a tong-in-check look at the genre convention as Jones derides the trio's names, costumes, and missions while they call him out on being such a bitch. They all teleport to a SHIELD facility where the run into The Ultimate Serpent Squad along Rick to embrace his awesome powers and allowing a really good running joke as Bobby hits on the various members of The Squad.

Just good stuff all around. Having Gwen, Johnny, Bobby, and sometime Kitty move in with Peter was an inspired choice and I'm loving this book.

Batman and Robin #10

So Bruce is leaving clues in the past for Dick and company in the present. It's kind of surprising that Bruce never found them himself...unless, he did find them and knew this was going to happen this whole time. Which is the kind of wacky stuff that you can do with time travel. By weaving Bruce through time Morrison seems to be creating this weird, integrate back story for the Waynes and for Gotham its self. I'm officially excited for the adventures of Caveman/Pirate/Cowboy/Puritan/Detective Batman as he tries to escape the ultimate death trap; time. Also really curious what Morrison is going to do with Damien (and slightly worried that what ever he does will be quickly destroyed by the writers and editors that follow him) now that Talia wants him to kill Dick. With Bruce coming back I'm not sure Damian still makes sense as Robin but I've so enjoyed having him around, if only to fuck with the other Batcharacters, that I'd like to see him stay on even after his old man in back in cape and cowl.

The other two Battitles this week, Batgirl and Red Robin, were also pretty darn good. Not B&R good, but they're solid superhero titles with fun action, solid art, and a satisfying story. It's a really good time to be a Batfan (all things must have Bat in front of them as established by the TV show).

Unwritten #11

This continues to be fantastic. What really stood out about this issue was the amazing art (seriously maximize that pic above and check that shit out) as Jimmy Broxton joined the aways great Peter Gross on art duties. My usual heaps of love that I pile onto Carey still apply. If you're a reader with any interest in fantasy, history, or literature this is a book you must read, hell, even if you're not this is a book you should read.

Punisher Max #5

One look at Fisk's face in that last panel and you know how it's going to play out but damn if it's not fan-fucking-tastic. I don't do a book of the week but if i did this would be my hands down pick. Since I started the blog it seems like not a week goes by that I don't give a verbal hand job to Jason Aaron but that's not going to stop me from doing it again, this guy is the real deal. Seriously, in the span of just a few years Aaron has established himself not just as an up-and-comer but as one of the best writers in the industry. Why DC didn't lock him down while he was working for Veritgo I'll never understand and if Marvel is smart they will sign him to a 50 year deal. I haven't even mention Steve Dillon who is the perfect guy to draw all Punisher stories, or at least all the good ones. Dillon takes the comedy, tragedy, and violence and somehow makes them all work together. Plus he draws pages where Frank Castle kills people by dropping safes on their heads.

I said last week that the key to a good Punisher story was combining violence, comedy, and fucked up stuff and making them all work together. This issue certainly dose all that with an extra large does of the tragic fucked up stuff. (SPOILER: How fucked up was it that Fisk immediately tells his wife "We'll have another one."? That is one stone-cold motherfucker)

That's all for now. Make a D20 roll to comment below.


Reviews upcoming for Planet Hulk (the movie), Up in the Air, and I Kill Giants as soon as I stop wasting time sleeping.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Comic Book Pregame: week of 03/10/10

Join me won't you, as I peruse this week's shipping list and comment on things of interest. Only one day late, I'm catching up.

Cat Named Haiku, $5.95

Children's stories in haiku, cute and educational.

Solomon Kane Deaths Black Riders #3 (of 4), $3.50

More Robert E. Howard goodness from Dark Horse. Sword-wielding puritan badass surrounded by demons in need of killing. I trust Solomon Kane will fulfill that need.

Batgirl #8, $2.99

Be aware this is part 1 of a crossover with Red Robin. Former lovers reunite to fight evil, drama will, I'm sure, ensue.

Batman And Robin #10, $2.99

This is shipping biweekly now isn't it. That is awesome!

Ex Machina #48, $2.99

It's a pity that so close to the end this book is shipping too infrequently to really garner much buzz or excitement. It's been a great run and it will surely live on in trades but my personal excitement for it has really waned of late. I do look forward to setting down with all 50 issues and reading them all again without the delays.

Red Robin #10, $2.99

Part 2 of the crossover, see above.

Unwritten #11, $2.99

Nazis, ghosts, and resolution to last issue's cliffhanger (someone was shot in the chest), sign me up.

A-Team Shotgun Wedding #1, $3.99

WARNING, does not feature Mr. T and the T Force.

Image United #1 (Of 6)(Signed & Numbered Collectors Edition), $25.00

WARNING, this will never be worth $25 and is not a collectors item.

Amazing Spider-Man #624, $2.99

More new Vulture action, WARNING no John Malkovich.

Cable #24, $3.99

2 years latter real time, 17(?) years latter in book time will they finally finish this fight?

Criminal The Sinners #5, $3.50

I think this is all we're going to get out of Criminal for a while as Phillips is working on other things so savor the shit out this one folks. I will impatiently wait for it's return.

Mystic Hands Of Dr Strange #1 (Black & White), $3.99

Dr. Strange one-shot by these people:

Kieron Gillen, Peter Milligan, Ted Mckeever, Mike Carey, Frazier Irving, Frank Brunner, Lucio Parrillo

You're going to want this one.

PunisherMAX #5, $3.99

Another week, another Jason Aaron comic. Who says there's no God? ...Too much?

Runaways Parental Guidance HC (Premiere Edition), $19.99

How many times have they repackaged Runaways? Surely everyone who wants to read it has plenty of purchasing options by this point, is one more really necessary?

S.W.O.R.D. #5, $2.99

Last issue. The blogasphere weeps, only a few thousand readers notice.

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #8, $3.99

More with Bendis's young Peter Parker, arts is still by Takeshi Miyazawa, I assume this is the issue where we find out what's going on with Rick Jones (Cocaine is a hell of a drug.).

Vengeance Of The Moon Knight Must Have (issues 1-3), $4.99

Labeling a Moon Knight book 'must have' - a bit of a stretch Marvel.

X-Men Forever #19, $3.99

I think I'm done with this.

X-Men Pixie Strikes Back #2 (of 4), $3.99

I know this will probably get me some heat from other bloggers, but i didn't really like the first issue all that much. Also, while at times funny, and always very pretty, wasn't huge on Hellcat.

Tick Color Series Complete Works Volume 2 TP, $34.95


Serenity Atlas Of The Verse Volume 1 TP, $39.95

The Browncoats strike again! ....I still miss Firefly, it was beyond great.

FF XIII Play Arts Kai Lightning Action Figure, $39.99
FF XIII Play Arts Kai Snow Action Figure, $39.99
FF XIII Play Arts Kai Vanille Action Figure, $39.99

Expensive action figures from a game I may never play (it's getting terrible reviews and I don't own a PS3). Still, it's Final Fantasy.

That's it for this week. Anything you're looking forward to?


Now I will anger the Whedonites that suddenly have a higher opinion of me knowing my undying love for Firefly (and Dr.Horrible and his X-Men) by admitting that I don't like Buffy. Bring it Buffy fans.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Comic Book Postgame: week of 03/03/10

Two days late but I'm still bringing the pain and praise for the week in comics...a bit more pain this week.

It's weeks like this that I'm really grateful to Conan, because Conan delivers.

Conan #19

Month in, month out Conan is just a pleasure to read. So this issue picks up with Conan in a swamp a few days after all his comrades were killed in a vicious battle, he's sick, either from an infection of his wounds or from the raw rats and assorted swamp vermin he's been surviving on, then, he sees a vision. It's Almalric, the former commander of the mercenary band that Conan eventually lead to their demise. Usually in this situation you'd assume it was just a result of Conan's fever but this being a series were the main character sometimes fights demons and snake people it could very well be a ghost. Almalric is none to pleased that Conan has lead his men to their ruin and demands an explanation. Conan provides, and thus we get the meat of our story. Conan is leading his men into battles, tearing across the country side taking what they please (though Conan does not permit rape, the purchasing of whores with stolen loot sure, but not rape).

Meanwhile a super hot, half naked princess is sold into a harem...

...but our princess is more then she claims. It seems she's there for perfidious matters of assassination. Artist Tomas Giorello who has been sharing art duties throughout the Conan relaunch gets this issue all to himself and he delivers. He's pretty much the perfect guy to follow in Cary Nord's foot steps, combining a lot of the raw passion and grittiness the Nord brought but with his own style and sensibilities. Truman's scripting meanwhile is the best Conan has seen since the early Busiek issues. So yeah, bloody battles, seductive harem assassins, fights with ghosts, and this is only the first issue of the story arc. Also, has a few pretty good jokes, some of them about fucking horses but hey, it's a Conan book, what do you expect?

Wolverine: Weapon X #11

It's pages like this that elevate Aaron and Garney's Wolverine from good to great. You'd think it would be pages like the one were a dude made out of granite has his head chopped of by a cyborg assassin from the future...and well you'd be partly right since that was pretty awesome, but the devil is in the details as they say and these guys get it. And by it, I mean Wolverine, and by extension the other Marvel characters that guest star in the various issues. Lots of people have drawn Logan in cowboy boots and a hat, but not many add a Native American belt buckle. Meanwhile you have Steve in the combat/hiking boots, with the star buckle and it's just so perfect. Then you have the dialog, no talk about heroing just two old men talking about bars and a changing world. Also, you're damn right Logan listens to Hank Williams Sr. My only complaint here is that poor Nightcrawler isn't even allowed to hangout in the bar with them, he's just sitting outside in the Blackbird waiting to drive them around. Come on Logan that's like your best friend not some damn chafer, I realize he's your DD but at least let the dude hangout with you guys. Oh yeah, and there are a bunch of Deathlocks trying to kill Captain America next issue and Wolverine and Cap (Bucky) get to fight them, so that'll be pretty sweet.

Invincible Iron Man #24

So I had a lot of problems with this issue but Doc Strange taking a dudes gun apart with magic before laying into him with kung-fu, absolutely no problem with that. I've said a lot of positive things about the Fraction/Larroca run on Iron Man and I still think the book over all is pretty good but this issue was a big let down. This is the conclusion of this story arc as Tony is being rebooted and fighting his way through his own mind to regain consciousness just in time to defeat a super villain. Sounds pretty awesome but for some reason wasn't as exciting as one would hope. Then we get to my big issue, the end. If you remember right before Secret Invasion there was a lot of talk about Tony being a Skrull, since they'd basically made him into a villain with Civil War. Everybody pretty much agreed that this would be a huge cop out and in the end it turned out that Tony was indeed Tony Stark and thus responsible for all his bad decisions. Well it turns out the memories that Stark saved for his reboot were made Pre-Civil War so now they can easily brush that all aside. I know it's comics and it's a long standing tradition to come up with some over the top sci-fi reason to redeem a creators favorite character (*cough* yellow space bug *cough*) but Stark wasn't that far gone, he could have been redeemed the old fashion way, by working for it. Now Fraction might still be planing some sort of apology/forgiveness sub plot between Stark and the other Avengers but isn't it largely hollow now? This version of Tony Stark never did those things so how can he truly overcome them?

Detective Comics #862

So remember a few months ago when some people said that once J.H. Williams III left this book everyone would realize how utterly average it was? Those people were right.

The Sword #22

HOLY SHIT LUNA BROTHERS! After 21 issues of shocking violence I didn't think you had anything left that would astound me and make me curse out loud. I was wrong. Chick rips out Dara's uterus! Wow. Two issues left and this will make for a nice collection of trades. Probably the best work The Luna Brothers have done. If your not familiar with The Sword the basic set up is that there are these 4 godlike beings that murder the main character, Dara's, family looking for this mystic sword. Dara survives thanks to The Sword and sets off for revenge. The plot thickens as the past is revealed, there is a lot of brutal and excellent fight scenes, and every arc also focuses on Dara's relationship with one of her dead family members in a way that is really quite touching without being sappy. Like Girls before it The Sword is clearly written for the trade but has had enough great cliff hangers that reading it in issues has been plenty enjoyable.

The Great Ten #5

This is a series no one is talking about, it's about 3 years too late to properly tie into 52 where the characters were introduced and it has absolutely nothing to do with Batman or Blackest Night. The thing is this is a good book. It's not ground breaking but each issue has been a highly enjoyable origin story of some very interesting and unique characters all the while carrying a ongoing plot. Big ups to Bedard and McDaniel (and I guess Morrison and Jones for the original character creation) for turning in a solid book. Honestly I enjoy it more then the Green Lantern stuff (controversy!).

Girl Comics #1

So first off Amanda Conner's cover is great as is Colleen Coover's introduction, both are fantastic artists. Now on to the stories. After I re-read this I realized that it was pretty normal for an anthology, some good, some bad, over all pretty decent, but I gotta tell you my first reaction to this was extreme disappointment. Since it's announcement this comic has been talked up, down, and sideways by the comic bits of the Internet and, well, I was expecting a bit more. Let's take a quick look at the individual stories:

The first story proper is a Nightcrawler tale by G. Willow Wilson and Ming Doyle and it's not very good. It's not terrible it's just very light on content. I guess the point is that Kurt may look like devil but is really an angel, don't judge a book by it's cover and all that which makes up for about 97% of all stories ever told about Nightcrawler and this one doesn't do it particularly well. Not a great start.

Next is the worst story in the book. Tina Robbins and Stephanie Buscema tell the story of the Greek/Roman goddess Aphrodite/Venus coming to Earth on a bet to prove that she can be as good of a superhero as Hercules. She then proceeds to get a job at a fashion magazine and do absolutely no superheroing. Granted the secret identity is a part of being a superhero/heroine but I'm pretty sure there's more to it then that. I suppose she does save the day in the end but this is still pretty terrible. That's two down, not off to a good start at all.

Luckily things drastically improve with a quite excellent Punisher story by Valerie D'Orazio and Nikki Cook. It's a simple idea, Castle pretends to be an underage girl online and then kills the perverts that he attracts. But it strikes the right balance of dark comedy, sickening dredges of humanity, and violence that all good Punisher stories have. Finally we have a winner.

Followed by a very funny 2 page Doc Oc story by Lucy Knisley. Now were talking. Doc Oc in a supermarket, thought bubbles sharing his sad life with the reader in a fun and funny way. These two stories mark the highlight for this issue.

But this one's not too bad, largely due to some great art by Agnes Garbowska. The story by Robin Furth is a slightly sci-fi take on Hansel and Gretel staring Franklin and Valeria of the Fantastic Four and it's pretty darn fun. The art is great, capturing the classic storybook feel while adding just enough gears and cogs to give a bit of a science twist. Good stuff.

Finally we have a story by Devin Grayson and Emma Rios. It's a bit of a revisit of the Jean, Scott, Logan love triangle with a neat twist and Emma Rios is art is terrific. Grayson who I didn't even realize was a woman during her Nightwing run (which I enjoyed) does a decent job here but it's nothing to write home about, thankfully Rios' art which seems to combine elements of manga with flowy European sensibilities makes it a good read.

Looking back on it it's pretty okay but typically these anthologies lead with their best stuff which makes me a bit worried for the remaining issues. Overall not bad, but certainly not the home run a lot of bloggers and creators were hoping for.

That's it for this week, it's way past my bedtime so good night y'all, comment below.


Oh, so a new Jeph Loeb book came out this week as well. I didn't read it, since, you know, Jeph Loeb, but I though I'd mention that I've come to terms with his books after discovering that kids love them. I'm not entirely sure that they're appropriate for children but they dig them and there should be some comics for people under 20. The only sadness I still have is that Loeb gets artists like Cho and McGuinness while Fraction and Morrison are saddled with artists like Land and Tan. Where is the JUSTICE! in that James Robinson, avid crier for things JUSTICE! related, where is the JUSTICE!


Two nerd passions collide in Heroman

If you haven't heard Stan Lee created an anime series. Production was by Studio Bones so the animation looks pretty nice. Never been big into 'boy with giant robot' shows preferring 'boy pilots giant mech' but with east and west geekdom coming together like this I'll have to check out at least the first few episodes.


That is one American looking robot. Is this show set in Japan?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Obligitory IronMan 2 trailer post

The first Iron Man was great so I actually have high hopes for the sequel. In fact, since I plan to be disappointed with The Last Airbender, Kick-Ass, The Losers and Scott Pilgrim this may be the film I'm most looking forward to in 2010. And yes, that's fucking briefcase armor people. Also the AC/DC song playing during part of the trailer, War Machine.


just for the hell of it here are some more trailers. As I said I plan on being disappointed in The Last Airbender but I still can't help but be a bit excited after watching this.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Movies that predate my birth...by quite some time actually

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I just started a new job and am still adjusting to my new schedule that includes less time for sleep and, more regrettably, blogging. I should get in to a more frequent blogging schedule as I adjust. Or not, in which case it'll be more like 3 days a week, which still isn't too bad. Anyways It's Oscar Season and you know what that means...it means I'm going to talk about movies that came out almost 50 years ago. First off both of these films are streaming, for free, on Hulu, which is how I saw them.

Charade (1963)

Directed by
Stanley Donen
Written by
Peter Stone
Cary Grant
Audrey Hepburn
Walter Matthau
James Coburn

This is what I love about old movies, no matter the situation every character has a witting comment to make at precisely the right time. It's incredibly unrealistic of course which is why you don't see it in movies as much anymore, but it's damn entertaining. It's almost impossible not to like a character when they always have a snappy comeback. Keep in mind this isn't really a comedy, even though it has some very funny parts, it's a mystery thriller. Basic setup is as follows: Hepburn is on vacation planning to divorce her husband, during the vacation she flirts with Cary Grant who happens to be there. When she returns home to Paris she discovers her house destroyed and her husband dead. It turns out her husband was part of a group that stole $250,000 from the US government but then he betrayed his fellows and kept the money for himself, escaping to Paris. Now his confederates want the money back and are after Hepburn to get it for them, this is all news to her and she has no clue where the money is. Re-enter Grant as her benevolent savior who's not what he claims. The plot twists and turns, a few people are killed, lies are discovered, and throughout it all romance blooms between the reluctant Grant and the aggressive Hepburn. The mystery is all well and good but the real head scratcher here is the relationship between Grant and Hepburn. Putting aside the obvious age difference and the inexplicable reluctance for Grant to get him some of that, Hepburn discovers lie after lie that Grant has feed her and she still keeps trusting him. A woman's libber would have a field day ripping this movie up. Hepburn comes across as mostly weak and helpless, and so blindly in love with Grant that she's willing to forgive anything with little more then a shrug. I know their are people who keep going back to a partner with a history of lying but Grant gives her like 5 different identities and after each one she's mad for like 10 seconds before completely forgetting about it and trying to fuck him. Apparently if you're Cary Grant you can pretty much do and say whatever you want and you'll still get layed. In short, Cary Grant's a good gig if you can get it. If you can get past that particular hang up it's an enjoyable movie with some good performances, a decent mystery, and some cleaver dialog.

Zatoichi (1962)

Directed by
Kenji Misumi
Written by
Minoru Inuzuka
Kan Shimosawa
Shintarô Katsu

Though this is the first Zatoichi film it's actually the third that I've seen. Like all the others this film follows Zatoichi, the wandering blind swordsman, as he gets himself involved in some local Yakuza trouble. The film is very post war Japanese, meaning it's deliberately paced and anti-war/anti-violence despite being about a dude that kills people as for living. The pacing of Asian films is something that I've become accustom to but it's worth pointing out that the first action sequence doesn't occur until an hour into the movie so if you're just looking for balls out sword fights this may not be the film for you. The film instead focuses on the characters and the time and place. The film is a slow boil, building the atmosphere, along the people and the situation unfold slowly, all the while knowing that blood will be spilled and people will die. As I mentioned before post WW2 flicks from Japan tend to be anti-war and this one is no different, Zatoichi is ever reluctant to draw his sword, preaching against the Yakuza lifestyle to the would be love interest of the film. Even the conclusion, which features a large action sequence in which many people are killed, is presented in such a way that it seems more sad and pathetic then glorious and exciting. It also shows that that people with disabilities are far from useless, and shouldn't be judged on that alone. Zatoichi may be blind but he's the best swordsman, gambler, and masseur around. I kind of love that the never explain why he's so badass it's just like, hey blind people grab a sword and start practicing, man up and you could be this cool too. So yeah, good morals and shit. While not a great film it's a good start to an epic franchise and introduces the world to a fantastic character that is around to this day almost 50 years later.


Without Zatoichi there is no Toph.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Comic Book Pregame: week of 03/03/2010

Join me won't you, as I peruse this week's shipping list and comment on things of interest.

Bo Obama White House Tails (One Shot), $6.99
Female Force Sarah Palin (Going Rogue Edition), $3.99

Stop it Bluewater or I will find you.

Buck Rogers 1930s Collection Frame, $31.99
Buck Rogers 25th Century Frame, $31.99
Buck Rogers Collage Frame, $31.99
Buck Rogers Logo Belt Buckle, $21.99
Buck Rogers Ray Gun Belt Buckle, $21.99
Buck Rogers Ray Gun Cigarette Case, $29.99
Buck Rogers Rocket Man Belt Buckle, $21.99
Buck Rogers Rocket Man Cigarette Case, $29.99
Buck Rogers Small Card ID Case, $22.99
Buck Rogers Space Girls Unite Belt Buckle, $21.99
Buck Rogers Spaceship Small Card ID Case, $22.99
Buck Rogers Vintage Cigarette Case, $29.99
Buck Rogers Vintage Keychain, $12.00
Buck Rogers Wilma Cigarette Case, $29.99

Is it really a good idea to have all of these come out on the same day? Can even the most hardcore Buck Rodgers collector afford so much all at once?

Conan The Cimmerian #19, $2.99

Conan! Tomás Giorello returns on pencils to one of my favorite ongoings.

Detective Comics #862, $3.99

As much as I love Jock, and I fucking love Jock, it is a bit of a come down after the first 7 J.H. Williams' issues. This is still a very enjoyable book but the magic might be gone.

First Wave #1 (of 6), $3.99

Azzarello and Morales do pulp comics with Doc Savage, The Spirit, Batman, and more. Honestly I wasn't too impressed with that one-shot that came out a while back but the premise is intriguing and the art looks really good.

Great Ten #5 (of 10), $2.99

This series has been surprisingly enjoyable and this issue has a cool propaganda style cover, a technique that I never tire of. (Now that I've said that Marvel will publish a thousand variants using this technique and I will hate it.)

Planetary Volume 4 HC, $24.99

Your trade collection is complete Planetary fans. At least until they release an all in one omnibus.

Sweet Tooth #7, $2.99

First trade goes on sale May 12, 2010 according to Veritgo's website, can't wait to read it.

Warlord #12, $2.99

As a guy that loves Conan stories should I be reading this?

Sword #22, $2.99

The end approaches. Will Dara survive?

Amazing Spider-Man #623, $2.99

Another week another issue of ASM. Despite my frequent joking about One More Day, condensing the Spider-Man comics into one thrice monthly book like this is one of Marvel's best ideas in years.

Black Widow Deadly Origin HC (Premiere Edition), $19.99

They are getting ridiculously fucking fast on trade releases. Good job Marvel.

Girl Comics #1 (Of 3), $4.99

Still a terrible title but that's a shit load of talent on one book. I imagine this will be well worth picking up even at $5.

Invincible Iron Man #24, $2.99

I've really enjoyed the Iron Man relaunch but I hope that post Siege they pick up the pace a bit. I don't mind decompression but this seems a bit too slow. Still a definite buy, especially since this issue is the end of the arc.

Punisher MAX Butterfly #1, $3.99

These Punisher one-shot are usually enjoyable and this one looks particularly good.

Realm Of Kings Son Of Hulk #2 (Of 4), $3.99

As one of the like 50 people who actually read Son of Hulk to the end I'm really interested in what they'll do with Hiro-Kala.

Strange Tales HC, $29.99

I want to buy this since I missed the single issues but that's crazy expensive. Wasn't this series three, $5 issues? Even with "material from ALL SELECT COMICS 70TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL" that is entirely too much money. Guess I'll keep waiting until the library gets it or something.

Ultimate Comics Avengers #5, $3.99

Only what, two months behind schedule? That can't be right, Marvel better delay it some more or it won't feel like a Mark Miller book.

Ultimate Comics New Ultimates #1, $3.99

Is that the worst title in comics history. It might be especially when you add 'by Jeph Loeb'. At the very least the worst comic title of the last 10 years that I can think of. I really dig Frank Cho's art but I would rather be punched in the face then buy this book.

Wolverine Weapon X #11, $3.99

Have I mentioned how much i love Jason Aaron's work? I'm think I have but I'm not sure praising him every week is enough for you to truly understand how good this guy is. Just read this excerpt from the solicitations:

Killer cyborgs have come from the future to kill the heroes of today, while Wolverine embarks on an international pub crawl with a certain recently reborn Sentinel of Liberty. Beer and bullets galore!

This issue also sees the return of Ron Garney on art so you're going to want to buy this.

Girls And Corpses Magazine Spring 2010, $8.95

What. The. Fuck. You know what, I don't even want to know.

One Piece Volume 34 TP, $9.99
One Piece Volume 35 TP, $9.99
One Piece Volume 36 TP, $9.99
One Piece Volume 37 TP, $9.99
One Piece Volume 38 TP, $9.99

Again, unless these are all reprints it seems ill advised from a business sense to release them all on the same day.

Thems the books I done got my eye caught. Hows you thinking? Ain't nothin' wrong 'bout commenting below.


Who runs Bluewater? Satan?