Thursday, February 11, 2010

Comic Book Pregame Post: Week of 02/10/10

Every week I'll be pointing out the books of interest so that you, my loyal readers, will know what to look for on your Wednesday outing. This will usually go up on Monday or Tuesday except for this week in which it is late, but hey if you read comics you should be used to that by now.

Batman And Robin #8: With Cameron Stewart's arrival this book looks fantastic once again. And while I think his Batman run is one of Morrison's lesser works it's still interesting and this ark has me excited. (not sexually but still)

Batgirl #7: This seems to be getting better the last few issues. It's still not great but the dynamic between Stephanie and Damion is fantastic and Tim shows up next issue. Oh teenage love, will you ever cease to entertain.

JSA All-Stars #3: I read the first 2 issues courtesy of my friend Q and they were surprisingly readable. Not great by any means and I'm not going to buy it but for a book that's trying to get me to take Magog seriously as an awesome, extreme hero, the fact that I didn't want to burn it speaks highly of the creative team.

Secret Six #18: I don't read Secret Six. Post your scornful comments below. (It's nothing personal I just haven't read it)

Unwritten #10: Mike Carey and Peter Gross. After Lucifer I'll pretty much buy anything they do together. It helps that this series has been great. In this issue, Nazis. (See above)

Legendary Talespinners #1 (of 3): I'm going to take a long hard look at this on the shelves. It's $3.99 but it's only 3 issues, might be worth it.

Choker #1: I think I'm trade waiting on this but that Ben Templesmith sure can draw.

Amazing Spider-Man #620: ASM has been one of the most consistently enjoyable titles I've been reading for the las year and a half or so. This one is drawn my Marcos Martin so sufficed to say I look foreword to it.

Dark Tower Battle of Jericho Hill #3 (of 5): I still need to pick up issues 1 and 2 but I'm excited to see the conclusion of this story as well as the return of Jae Lee on art.

Dark X-Men #4 (of 5): If you haven't heard Nate Grey is back. Obviously he's not going to be the one to take down Osborn but seeing as how he's one of the most powerful beings on earth I'm highly interested to see how or if Marvel will use him post Siege.

New Mutants #10: Pure nostalgia but I'm enjoying it. If you, like I, read the entire run of New Mutants you should probably try this out.

Nextwave Agents Of H.A.T.E. Ultimate Collection TP: I already own this series but if you don't you need to but the shit out it immediately. Some of the most fun comics you'll ever read. To quote: "If you like anything you will love Nextwave!"

PunisherMAX #4 : I have never read a Jason Aaron comic that didn't make me think 'Jason Aaron is awesome'. I expect this to live up to that criteria. Plus Steve Dillon!

Strange #4 (of 4): What will become of Strange's new assistant? I don't know but Waid is still writing and Rios is still drawing so I'll be reading.

S.W.O.R.D. #4: AS everyone has heard this book will end with issue 5. Man, Marvel is pulling the plug fast these days. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Buy the trade a bunch and maybe it will come back.

Ultimate Comics Armor Wars #4 (of 4): Written by Warren Ellis drawn by Steve Kurth who's as close to Bryan Hitch as humanly possible. This really should have been better, hopefully it ends strong.

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #7: The first six issues of this were great. This is easily the best thing Bendis is writing right now. This issue Takeshi Miyazawa fills on art and that's damn fine for a fill in artist.

Vengeance Of The Moon Knight #5: I think this is canceled as well though I'm not a 100% on that. The art looked nice but really Marvel, relaunching a failing book at $3.99 with a creative team that's pretty far from famous, are you surprised this didn't work?

X-Men Forever #17: More nostalgia from Marvel. This one started out pretty terrible but just crazy enough to be intriguing now that it's settled down I don't know how long readers will stick around (myself included).

X-Men Pixie Strikes Back #1: Hmmm...I do like Sara Pichelli's art and this does have a bunch of kids from New X-Men, I'll probably at least try the first issue.

That's all that caught my eye, if there's something you think I missed comment below.


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